Update: Abducted Nasarawa Varsity Students Regain Freedom


Two of the saved trainees 4 students of the Federal University of Lafia, Nasarawa State that were abducted by bandits have been freed from captivity.

The trainees who were abducted on Thursday, January 14, were supposedly launched in the late hours of Saturday.The Vice-Chancellor of the institution, Professor Shehu Abdul Rahman, who spoke through the Head, Information and Public Relations Unit, Mr. Abubakar Ibrahim, validated the victims’ release in a statement on Sunday.While praising Nasarawa State Government and

the general public for their contributions, prayers and support to the University during the trying minute, he thanked Daily Trust Newspaper for its precise, timely and effective reportage of the institution activities. “The Management of the Federal University of Lafia(FULafia)wishes to gladly announce that the four trainees of the University who were abducted by unknown shooters on Thursday, January 13, 2022, have actually been launched by their kidnappers, “the declaration checks out.”The vice-chancellor reveals the University’s unique appreciation to

the security companies for their prompt interventions that caused the safe and quick return of the trainees,” he said.The VC discussed that upon their release, the students underwent medical checks and they were all discovered to be in good condition.He further urged the students to stay calm and go about their typical activities on both schools of the university.The Vice Chancellor ensured the parents, trainees and public of his administration’s commitment to make lives and home safe in and around the schools of the University.Meanwhile, one Agu Emmanuel, a sibling to one of the kidnapped victim, who validated the release of his sis, claimed that the kidnappers contacted them and demanded N100m ransom for her release.” On behalf of my household I’m here as that one leper in Luke 17:15, to return all glory to God almighty for the life of my kid sis., The Love of my life.

For his unlimited mercy and grace over her life.”She is a trainee of federal university Lafia(Fulafia )100 level. On Thursday about 11:30 pm some unidentified shooters stormed her lodge at mararaba near to school campus and Adopted(abducted)her together with 3(3)of her next-door neighbors who are likewise a student of the exact same organization.” The kidnappers contacted my aunty and required for a Ransom of one hundred million naira.(# 100,000,000)to be spent for her released.When the details got to me i smiled for i know the God whom i served.

To cut the entire story brief. We traded our sleep, rejected our body for some pleasure(food)in terms of fasting and prayers. We just put God to remembrance

of his words and that settles it.She has actually been launched early hour these days by 1:00 am, totally free of charge, no cent was paid. And before then they called my aunty and was pleading her telling her how sorry they’re and not to worry that they will take her to where there took her from. Please join me and commemorate his faithfulness. JESUS IS LORD. “ToriNG