An Abuja Court of Appeal sitting has affirmed the election of Yahaya Bello as the Governor of Kogi State.

The five-man panel of the court led by Adamu Jauro in a unanimous judgment on Saturday, dismissed four appeals against the polls for lacking in merit.

The appeals were filed by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Actions Peoples Party (APP), and the Democratic Peoples Party (DPP).

Bello, who contested the election on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC), was reelected on November 16, 2019.

He garnered 406,222 votes to defeat PDP’s Musa Wada who polled 189,704 and Natasha Akpoti of the SDP, who pulled in 9,482 votes.

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The governorship election petition tribunal had earlier dismissed a suit filed by Akpoti and SDP, for failing to prove the allegations of over-voting, massive thumb printing, voter intimidation, etc.
