COVID-19 second wave: FCT Minister issues new guidelines to market, offices, worship centres, others

Last Updated: December 18, 2020By Tags: , , ,

The FCT Minister, Malam Muhammad Bello, on Friday, directed the Market Management Limited and the various market associations in Abuja to work together to carry out sensitization activities.

The Minister also issued new guidelines to offices, worship centres, transportation and among others as the FCT prepares for a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bello made this known in a statement released by his Chief Press Secretary, Anthony Ogunleye in Abuja.

Recall that the Federal Government had earlier declared the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

The statement read: “The Abuja Market Management Limited and the various market associations should work together to carry out sensitization activities and also ensure compliance of all extant health protocols.

“All extant regulations issued as conditions for re-opening of places of worship on the 4th of June 2020 still subsists and heads of the various congregations are to ensure compliance.

“All extant regulations guiding the operations of entertainment and recreational centers still subsists, and operators of such places are enjoined to ensure strict compliance.

“Public transportation facilities such as buses taxis and tricycles must also obey all already established protocols.

“Other COVID-19 guidelines in offices and business premises are;

“Mandatory temperature checks must be carried out on all employees and customers entering Office and business premises in the FCT.

“No mask, No entry, No service – all staff members, visitors and customers entering workplaces, shops or business premises must wear a face mask that should cover the mouth and nose.

“All office and business premises must have a hand-washing station with running water and soap or hand sanitizer.

“Office, shops and business premises must be well-ventilated and cleaned regularly throughout the day.

“Employees who are feeling unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms, should notify their supervisor immediately, or stay at home and seek medical attention to confirm the diagnosis, by doing a COVID19 test.”
