Gay marriage, anti-Christ: Dr Nwosu tells Nigerians what to expect from Democrat’s Joe Biden

Last Updated: November 8, 2020By Tags: , , , , ,

Dr. Emeka Nwosu, a former Special Adviser on Media and Public Affairs to ex-Senate President, Evan Enwerem, has told Africans, especially Nigerians what to expect from the incoming government in the United States.

Joe Biden of the Democratic Party defeated the incumbent president and candidate of the Republican Party, Donald Trump in the tightly contested election.

And despite major changes in laws and norms surrounding the issue of same-sex marriage and the rights of LGBT people, public opinion on the acceptance of homosexuality in society remains sharply divided.

Dr. Nwosu, a former political, deputy editor, and member, Editorial Board of Daily Times, said that the winner of the Tuesday’s presidential election, Joe Biden, should not be judged by the works of his former boss, Barrack Obama, who, according to him(Nwosu) sanctioned LGTB rights and promoted antichrist.

Speaking with DAILY POST on Sunday in reaction to the outcome of the tight battle between the incumbent President, Donald Trump of the Republican Party and Democratic Party’s Biden, Nwosu, a former National President, National Association of Political Correspondents, noted that most people in Africans who were reluctant about Biden’s candidacy was because of issues such as LGBT and antichrist.

He said Nigerians should expect and hope that Biden runs his presidency different from that of Obama even though he was part of the government for eight years.

According to him, “Some of the people in Africa who expressed reservations in Biden’s candidacy even up to the point that he won the election did so because of some of these issues (gay marriage and anti-Christ).

“He was part of the Obama government that sanctioned the LGBT rights. You know this is against the order of nature and the order of creation talking about lesbianism, transgender, homosexuality and all that. But you can say that was Obama’s presidency.

“This now is going to be his (Biden) own Presidency, and he is known to be a practicing Catholic. We hope that he would be able to unfold his own agenda as Biden, Biden presidency judged on the basis of what he is coming up with. After all, Trump is a Republican.

“He contested on the Republican platform, yet within the four years, he was able to stand himself and you can see his own position of things even when they go contrary to the establishment of the Republicans.

“So we expect this man to listen to the rest of the world and ensure that the right thing is done. For us in Africa, it will be a welcome development if he is not associated with this LGTB; he is not associated with the issue of antichrist. Because we know during the Obama presidency, you cannot even mention God or do morning devotions and prayers in schools and also their position in abortion.

“These are things that have always concerned people, especially those of us in Nigeria, but we believe that as his presidency unfolds, we hope that something different will come from him. We should be positive.

Speaking further on the election, the political expert added, “You can see that it was a hard fought, highly contested election and even at this moment, the sitting President has not given up.

“I think the American people have spoken and if their tradition is anyone to go by, we would expect that by now, the sitting President ought to have conceded defeat ahead of time because America is supposed to be a benchmark in measuring our democracy because this is where we borrowed what we’re practicing today.

“So I believe that reason should be able to prevail because the election is clear. The truth of the matter is that the majority will always have their way. The people voted between continuity and change.

“Change in the sense of having a decent society where everybody’s view will count. A society where people are not treated on the basis of their colour. I think that is the reflection of the outcome of this election.

“The incoming President is one who’s no stranger to Nigeria and Nigerian affairs. You should remember that he was Vice President for eight years during the time of Obama. Though within that period, Obama never visited the country himself he (Biden) was here.

“Although our contract at that time was divided, he came and met with a section of the leadership. So going by what we’ve known, the relationship that has always existed between the previous Democratic government in the US and Nigeria, we don’t expect anything less. We expect that the government of the Democrats will extend a hand of fellowship to Nigeria and build up on the previous relationships between Nigeria and America.

“Most importantly too to fight the fight against terrorism, we expect that they should come in to support the Nigerian government to ensure that Boko Haram and other terrorists are dealt with.”
