An Ogudu Magistrate’s Court on Friday ordered that one Yusuf Nasiru be remanded in a correctional centre.

The 25-year-old allegedly defiled his neighbour’s 12-year-old daughter, NAN reports.

He lives at Olowolagba Street, Mile 12, Lagos, and is charged with two counts of sexual assault and defilement.

The case was reported at the Mile 12 Police Division by the girl’s mother.

Prosecution Counsel, ASP Rita Momoh told the court that Nasiru defiled the girl in May 2019.

He added that Nasiru also sexually assaulted a 7-year-old daughter of another neighbor.

Magistrate O.A Ajayi did not take Nasiru’s plea and sent him to Kirikiri Custodial Centre.

The magistrate ordered the police to return the case file to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice.

The case was adjourned until October 29.
